Tag Archives: Thanksgiving

In November the Snow Starts to Fly…

Well, not in Seattle it doesn’t but in my old stomping grounds back in Boston it sure did!  I have to say, I was a little jealous of all my friends back east when I saw all their pictures on Facebook last weekend.  Though not so envious of the power outages–I’m very thankful for the blessing of electricity.

I was supposed to post some of Brent & Michelle’s wedding pictures a couple weeks ago, but life suddenly got ridiculously crazy.  Between work (I put in more than 60 hours at the office last week), the upcoming Paris trip (17 days for those who are counting with me), photos to develop, and holiday planning, life just seems to be a whirlwind right now!

I do have my priorities straight, however, and took time last Saturday evening to get out my Christmas tree and ornaments.  It was up and decorated on October 30th!

I know there are many people out there who believe that Christmas needs to wait until after Thanksgiving, but I’m of the persuasion that the season should be enjoyed for as long as possible, so my tree goes up very early, and I start buying eggnog as soon as it hits the shelves at the grocery store.

This does not mean that I ignore the other holidays, though (okay, that’s a lie, aside from dancing to the Purple People Eater song a couple times, I completely ignored Halloween).  Thanksgiving is still one of my favorite holidays for a myriad of reasons–family, friends, great food, and a chance to reflect on all the many, many blessings I have in my life.  And while my observation of Thanksgiving this year will be slightly untraditional, I still feel it’s important to remember to give thanks for the people and opportunities that enrich my life.

And speaking of enriched lives, I think it’s high time I shared some of those wedding pictures!  Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Brent Gunnell!!!


It may have been a blustery day, but the wind sure did pretty things to Michelle's veil!


Just Married!


Michelle gets a hug from her new mother-in-law.


The Wedding Party: Our variation on the "So Long, Farewell" pose.