Tag Archives: Fun

And the Award Goes to…


… me, apparently!

I’m sitting at home, all cozy and warm, enjoying a wonderful dinner of pumpkin pancakes & dutch honey, and in a bit of awe of the new world of blogging.  You blog readers are the nicest, most wonderful people in the world!

This must be my good blog-karma week!  (And who knew there even was such a thing?)  The delightful Miss Erin Recht of Seventh Story Studio recently bequeathed me with not one, but TWO  blog awards!  I am very flattered, though I’m pretty sure featuring some of her engagement pictures may have had something to do with it. 🙂

From what I can tell, still being relatively new to the blogging community, these awards have been created by other bloggers as a way of networking and getting to view new blogs and content.

And on that note, I want to thank WordPress for choosing Gatsby Nouvel’s “All the Delights of the Season” as one of it’s Freshly Pressed features.  I’m so grateful to all of you who left such lovely comments about the photos, and your love of the season with me!  You are all so kind, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness more than I can say.  And because I can’t get enough, I decided to post another favorite autumn photo.

Autumn Foliage at Walden Pond

In 2007, I was studying photography at CDIA in Boston, MA.  One day in October our class took a field trip out to Walden Pond and spent a few hours walking in the footsteps of Thoreau.  The colors on this particular tree were brilliant, standing out from amongst it’s less colorful friends.  The image that I finally finished  felt somewhat like an impressionist painting.  So here it is, Impressions of Walden.

Now, on to not-so-serious business!

As one of the stipulations for receiving the Versatile Blogger award, I’m supposed to share 7 interesting facts about myself.  You have my sincerest apologies.

But, here we go:

# 1: In my journal is a list of places I want to visit.  It gets modified and updated regularly.  Brigadoon is on that list.

# 2:  I like squash, but only if it’s in something sweet: butternut squash soufflé, pumpkin pie, zucchini bread, chocolate zucchini cake, pumpkin cookies…  In fact, 90% of the time I’d prefer it if my vegetables didn’t taste like vegetables. The other 10% of the time I get a weird craving for salads.

# 3: I find cravats incredibly sexy.  For some unfathomable reason they appeal to my girly flutterishness (yes, I made up that word).  And while I’m making things up, I’ve decided to call this condition  Thornton-Wentworth Syndrome.












# 4: I deliberately left out Mr. Darcy when naming the above Syndrome because I find Darcy references too cliché.  My apologies to Mr. Colin Firth.

# 5:  I have the weirdest, most random dreams of anyone I know, and I like to share them with my friends and family.  Sometimes they find it amusing and sometimes they find it annoying.  I’m contemplating starting a dream blog so I can inflict the madness on an unsuspecting public.

# 6: I start getting anxious for Christmas in September.  My tree was up before Halloween last year, and I have every intention of doing it again this year.

# 7: Sometimes, when I’m alone in my car listening to music, I lip-synch and pretend that I’m Ella Fitzgerald or Rosemary Clooney .  And sometimes when I listen to George Winston I pretend that I’m a famous pianist and that I’m playing in a ski lodge and Hugh Jackman walks in, finds my talent breathtaking, buys me a hot chocolate, and slips extra marshmallows in it.

Oh, I’m sorry.  Was I over-sharing?

I’ll stop now.

But not before leaving you with this image:

Sweaters also make me happy.

A fair is a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord orgasbord…

And while I totally agree with Templeton, turns out it’s also a pretty good place for a fun, romantic photo shoot too!

Last weekend I had the chance to go home to Montana for a few days.  Not only did I have a great time visiting with my family and meeting my new nephew (I’ll post bragging pictures later, because he is the CUTEST first great-grandson ever to be born into our family), I also got to do engagement photos for my beautiful niece, Erin, and her wonderful fiancé, Trevor.

Erin and I started planning and talking about wedding ideas a couple months ago (even before she was formally engaged!) and in discussing engagement photos, I  realized that the most likely weekend I’d be home to take them would also be the weekend of the Ravalli County Fair…well, it was just too good to pass up!  Erin loved the idea, and Trevor loves Erin, so on Saturday evening the three of us spent several hours at the fairgrounds taking pictures.

I am so pleased with how they turned out!  Lots of color, lots of atmosphere, and I even got them on a camel together!  Now Erin can say with the upmost of authority, how difficult it is to kiss while riding a camel. 🙂  In editing and developing the photos I chose to do some of them with a more aged/distressed finish, as Erin has chosen a vintage theme for her wedding.  Check out a few of the samples below.

A summer evening, a ferris wheel, a candy apple, & a kiss. Does life get much sweeter?

"Wow, it's really hard to kiss while riding a camel!" -Erin Recht

It might not be a magic carpet, but a ferris wheel is still a classic!

And of course, who can resist a smooch on a carousel?